Dr. Syed Saad Iqbal, Plastic Surgeon, Gulberg, Lahore

Specializations: Plastic Surgeon, Hair Transplant Surgeon

🕰️ Experience 0 years
🎓 Degrees MBBS, FCPS
📝 PMDC ID 57928-P
👥 Gender 🧑‍⚕️ Male
📍 Locality Gulberg, Lahore
💵 Fee Rs. 3000
⭐ Star Rating


Dr Syed Saad Iqbal is one of the best Plastic Surgeon in Lahore.. He have a number of certifications including MBBS and FCPS in his field.. He is also a well trained Hair Transplant Surgeon.


Dr Syed Saad Iqbal’s consultation fee is normally Rs 3,000 although this is subject to change based on various health packages and offers.

Roots Hair & Skin Cosmetic Clinic, Surgimed Hopsital, Gulberg, Lahore

Address 1 Zafar Ali Road, near Parking Surgimed Hospital, Lahore
Map Google Maps
Fee 3000
Available Days M, Tu, W, Th, F