Dr. Shazia Khurram, Dermatologist, DHA, Lahore

Specializations: Dermatologist

🕰️ Experience 0 years
🎓 Degrees MBBS
👥 Gender 👩‍⚕️ Female
📍 Locality DHA, Lahore
⭐ Star Rating


Dr Shazia Khurram is a very well regarded Dermatologist and has a number of certifications under her belt, including MBBS in her field.

Appointment Details

You can call 04235890071-2, 03122250777 for more information on how to book an appointment with Dr. Shazia Khurram, Dermatologist, DHA, Lahore.

Timeless Clinic, DHA, Lahore

Address 4 H Commercial, Phase 1, DHA
Map Google Maps
Fee 0
Phone 04235890071-2, 03122250777