Dr. Muhammad Aslam Rao, Plastic Surgeon, Garden Town, Lahore

Specializations: Plastic Surgeon, Hair Transplant Surgeon

🕰️ Experience 16 years
🎓 Degrees MBBS, FCPS
📝 PMDC ID 42574-P
👥 Gender 🧑‍⚕️ Male
📍 Locality Garden Town, Lahore
💵 Fee Rs. 1500
⏱️ Wait Time Under 15 Min
⭐ Star Rating ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Dr Muhammad Aslam Rao is a very well regarded Plastic Surgeon and has a number of certifications under his belt, including MBBS and FCPS as well as 16 years of experience in his field.. He is also very punctual, so his patients only have to wait Under 15 Min for their consultations.


Dr Muhammad Aslam Rao’s consultation fee is normally Rs 1,500 although this is subject to change based on various health packages and offers.

Appointment Details

You can call 042 111 627 663 for more information on how to book an appointment with Dr. Muhammad Aslam Rao, Plastic Surgeon, Garden Town, Lahore.

Masood Hospital, Garden Town, Lahore

Address 99 - Garden Town, near Kalma Chowk, Lahore
Map Google Maps
Fee 1500
Phone 042 111 627 663

Appointment Details

You can call 042 38347754, 042 3834775, 0307 8876730 for more information on how to book an appointment with Dr. Muhammad Aslam Rao, Plastic Surgeon, Garden Town, Lahore.

MEDIX Hospital, Ferozepur Road, Lahore

Address 17km Main Ferozpur Road, Opposite Pak Arab Society, Lahore
Map Google Maps
Fee 1500
Phone 042 38347754, 042 3834775, 0307 8876730
Available Days Th, F

Raza Medical Complex, Shadman, Lahore

Address 10-C, Shadman-II, Opp. PIC, near KFC, Jail Rd, Lahore
Map Google Maps
Fee 1500