Dr. Muhammad Abbas, Plastic Surgeon, Temple Road, Lahore

Specializations: Plastic Surgeon, Reconstructive Surgeon

🕰️ Experience 0 years
🎓 Degrees MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery)
📝 PMDC ID 44474-P
👥 Gender 🧑‍⚕️ Male
📍 Locality Temple Road, Lahore
💵 Fee Rs. 2000
⭐ Star Rating


Dr Muhammad Abbas is a very well regarded Plastic Surgeon and has a number of certifications under his belt, including MBBS and FCPS (Plastic Surgery) in his field.


Dr Muhammad Abbas’s consultation fee is normally Rs 2,000 although this is subject to change based on various health packages and offers.

Appointment Details

You can call 042 37247910, 042 37325083 for more information on how to book an appointment with Dr. Muhammad Abbas, Plastic Surgeon, Temple Road, Lahore.

Ramzan Ali Syed Hospital, Temple Road, Lahore

Address 21-Temple Road, Lahore.
Map Google Maps
Fee 2000
Phone 042 37247910, 042 37325083
Available Days M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa