Dr. Farrukh Aslam, Hair Transplant Surgeon, Johar Town, Lahore

Specializations: Hair Transplant Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon

🕰️ Experience 14 years
🎓 Degrees MBBS, MRCS (UK), EMSB, FCPS (Plast. Surgery)
📝 PMDC ID 45929-P
👥 Gender 🧑‍⚕️ Male
📍 Locality Johar Town, Lahore
💵 Fee Rs. 1500
⭐ Star Rating ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Dr Farrukh Aslam is a very well regarded Hair Transplant Surgeon and has a number of certifications under his belt, including MBBS, MRCS (UK), EMSB and FCPS (Plast.. Surgery) as well as 14 years of experience in his field.


Dr Farrukh Aslam’s consultation fee is normally Rs 1,500 although this is subject to change based on various health packages and offers.


Breast Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Face Lift

LaForma Specialist Clinic, Johar Town, Lahore

Address 41-B, Khayaban-i-Firdausi, Johar Town, Lahore
Map Google Maps
Fee 1500
Available Days M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa